The Splash Arts GmbH was founded in April 1998 by Sascha Füllemann and his mother, Doris Füllemann, in Winterthur.
After a few orders from US suppliers the founder of the company switched the source of supply to new wholesalers in Far East. The first three magnets (picture on the left side) were designed by the uncle of the founder and were a big hit right from the start. Two years later it became possible for the company's founder to realize his dream of changing his hobby into profession. He quit his job as a Service Field Engineer and worked from that time on passionately and enthusiastic for his own company. Constant growth and continuous broaden of range allowed us to set up our own purchasing department in China which not just support us in developing new products but is also responsible for the relationship management with our suppliers. Currently we are producing more than 1000 different products together with our partners. These days there are working 12 people for Splash Arts. Approximately 1000 shops all over Switzerland are selling the products of Splash Arts.
Our aim as leader in the branch of souvenir is not just to deliver souvenirs but also to care for our partners. Together we develop new products, help our customers with the organisation of the shop and support our selling point. For various clients we are responsible for their whole souvenir range. To cover the whole supply chain starting from the fabric and to the productselling in the shops is one of our proud achievments. This allows us to check that our products were produced under fair conditions and can be sold for a good price. We take pride in each of our products. Our customers know, that the Splash Arts label stands for quality and good service. You don't need to be an insider to find our products in the shops. The many e-mails of customers and feedback from around the world make us confident that we are on the right way. For us it is a pleasure to produce remarkable souvenirs.
For a couple of years Splash Arts is working together with selected foundations and sheltered workplaces. We try to repair every souvenir which is repairable and give them a second live. Therefor our partners are doing labeling, repacking, delivery and mendings. In the sample pictures below you can see an example of how this work is beeing done. For us this is a wonderful chance to support people with disabilities or in hindered living situations.